I recently took part in a four person roundtable discussion at Baseball Analysts on the American League Central. You get everyone’s impressions of each team as well as an overall look at the division. I’ll probably take some heat because I have the Tigers finishing second (and I was the only one to have the White Sox even in the top two, much less the division winner) but it is what it is. I’m also tempering my expectations for the team. We can’t have a division winner every year :-).
Props for not going the easy direction of Cleveland. They are most certainly talented, but I think people always seem to over rate them. Like last year, I just did not see a playoff pitching staff there, and yet they were everyone’s favorites. It’s better this year on paper, but how will that translate? We’ll see.
--Posted by Kurt on March 9th, 2007 at 10:39 am