Sometimes it’s nice being ahead of the curve. While Tigerblog isn’t the longest blog running (heck, it isn’t even the longest Tigerblog running by a long shot), I do feel I sort of got in before baseball blogs, and blogs in general, really came into there own. This blog has been around for a little more then two years, and when I started, I remember having a lot fewer options as far as website links.
Now, blogs have basically gone mainstream and everyone has them. Whether it’s radio personalities (S&L in the Morning and Terry Foster) and now TV announcers Mario Impemba, it seems like blogs are everywhere.
So it’s interesting that guys like Billfer and Ryan Sosin paved the way for blogging in Detroit only to see the big boys (i.e. so called real media) come in and lay their own claim to their internet.
Tigerblog was mentioned in the Detroit Free Press today. A pretty interesting column on MLBlog’s new service, and Bleacher Guy, Billfer, and myself were all mentioned.