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Tigers Hammer Browns In Both Ends of Doubleheader

June 28, 1935 Tigers 10, Browns 1 (35-28)

Billy Rogell, Mickey Cochrane, and Hank Greenberg all homered for the Tigers. Greenberg’s three RBIs led the way, while Pete Fox scored two runs.

Elden Auker was nearly flawless as he gave up only one run on four hits. He struck out five and walked four.

June 28, 1935 Tigers 7, Browns 2 (36-28)

Hank Greenberg hit two solo homers (for a total of three in the doubleheader) while Pete Fox and Ray Hayworth both had two hits and two runs.

Vic Sorrell threw a nice game in what was his first start of the season. He gave up only two runs on six hits, and he struck out three.

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