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Tigers Get Swept by Rangers, Lose 8th in a Row

Our seats were pretty nice for this one. Right behind the Rangers dugout in the 13th row. We also sat behind Channel 7 sports guy Don Shane, or a reasonable facsimile of him.

The only good thing I can say about this game is that it was short. Rangers got up early in the second inning, and then Mark Teixeira and A-Rod hit “Oh Shit” homers that you knew were gone once they swung the bat.

The Tigers got nothing done on offense, and four of their 6 hits they got in the second and third innings. Tram’s infatuation with the bunt continues to confound me. In the second inning, we had guys on first and third with one out, and Shane Halter lays down what I think was supposed to be a squeeze play. He moved the runner on first, but now you have two guys in scoring position, but you have the rally killer, Matt Walbeck up, who of course gets out.

Then in the third they had runners on first and second with nobody out, and they bunt again (this time it was Klasses). So he moves them over, and we have two runners in scoring position with one out, which makes a little more sense. Of course two strikeouts later, and we’re still being shut out.

I think the Tigers are much more frustrating to watch in person then they are on the TV or radio.

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