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Filling a Hole for the Cubs

If you’re an ESPN Insider, you can read this.  If not, here’s the long and short.  Lou Piniella says he might have to add a firstbase/third base infielder before the spring is done.  You wonder if the Tigers could move Jeff Larish to the Cubs and get something that might help immediately (maybe another reliever or if not, then at least a prospect that’s younger).  I’ve always been a fan of Larish, but there’s no where for him to go and his big league call up wasn’t all that great last year.  He’s also getting old as far as prospects go (in fact he’s six months older then Miguel Cabrera, who’s the Tigers starter at first).  Finally, you have another first base prospect in Ryan Strieby who’s coming up though the system.

I’m not sure how much progress Larish has made at third base, so I wonder how much that would play into things.  I also haven’t checked to see who the Cubs might have that the Tigers would find useful so it’s just a little bit of speculation.

Strieby? yikes, look closely at his numbers. Additionally, Larish is a lefty, the team couldn’t need a left handed bat more these days.

Posted by Natron on March 6th, 2009 at 8:36 am

A .915 OPS in a pitcher friendly league is nothing to scoff at. I guess I’m confused about what numbers I’m supposed to be closely looking at. Larish had just an .839 OPS in his season at Lakeland and he was a year older then Strieby at the time.

Posted by Brian on March 6th, 2009 at 11:20 am

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