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Around the Horn

Since the 1984 Tigers are off today, let’s take a look at what others are writing about….

Billfer over at the Detroit Tigers Weblog takes a look at the latest Tigers trade, among other things.

For the Stat Heads, Hardball Times has compiled some pretty advanced hitting and pitching statistics.

John Perricone takes on Skip Bayless in a well written column on Barry Bonds and how baseball has evolved over the past 10 years.

And also, be sure to check some of the new links I’ve added. Some great writing out there.

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Around the Horn

For those of you looking for a great read, just click on one of the links to the right. All of these guys are great, and well worth checking out.

Specifically, here’s some great columns that have come out lately.

1) The Detroit Tigers Weblog prepared an excellent analysis on the state of the Tiger’s starting pitching, along with other nice columns. He’s also asking for people’s help, so make sure to check it out. It’s for a great cause.

2) John Perricone is getting nostalgic over at Only Baseball Matters. John’s back on the blogging scene, and he truly is one of the best out there. I’d liken him to the internet’s expert on Barry Bonds, but that doesn’t do him justice, because his knowledge goes well beyond that.

3) JD Arney over at Redsfaithful does a great job at taking a look at the state of the Reds. Good stuff. The Red’s are my favorite NL team (sorry guys). My uncle lives in Louisville where the Red’s have their AAA club, so I’m always getting updates on any upstart Red’s players. I remember just a few years ago how he talked highly of Austin Kearns.

4) And if you’re looking for team specific blogs, make sure to check out Baseball Blogs.org and its sister site, Sportsblogs.org. These two sites are well organized, and if you’re ever looking for something to read, this is a great place to start.

This weekend should be interesting, because we start on the nursery. The family is split on what they think we’re going to have. Personally, I would like a left handed pitcher, uh, I mean, boy.

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