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Playoff Predictions

Back in February, I made a bunch of predictions about what would happen during the 2004 season. Some came true, most didn’t. So here’s a chance to redeem myself, slightly.

American League

Twins vs. Yankees – Yankees win series in four games

Johan Santana wins game one is his normal dominating style, but the Yankees win the next two against Radke and Silva. Then in game four, Santana is less then perfect, and loses a 2-1 pitching dual versus Mike Mussina in game four.

Red Sox vs. Angels – Red Sox win series in four games

Pitching, pitching, pitching. Pedro and Schilling are too much for the Angels. No repeat of 2002 here.

Red Sox vs. Yankees – Red Sox win series in seven games

Fox Sport’s wet dream is this series happening. For the same reasons the Red Sox beat the Angels, they also take down the Yankees. Pedro will disown his new daddy, and go 3-0 in the series, winning the ALCS MVP.

The only alternative scenario I see is Pedro pitching in game seven, struggling in the seventh with a small lead, and then getting pulled. After going to the pen, the Yankees run up the score, and everyone questions why Francona didn’t leave Pedro in.

But I’ll go with the former scenario.

National League

Astors vs. Braves – Astros win series in four games

Clemens will heal from his virus, and go on to win games one and four. The old man still has it, and I’m still not sure how the Braves did it this year.

Dodgers vs. Cardinals – Cardinals win series in three games

The Cardinals were the best team in baseball, and their run doesn’t stop here.

Astros vs. Cardinals – Astros win series in six games

Like in the American League, the NLCS will be two division rivals squaring off. The Astros have it all. Top notch starting pitching, some great bats, and Brad Lidge was unhittable yesterday. The team is red hot, and they continue their winning ways.

World Series

Astros vs. Red Sox – Astros win series in seven games

The back story to this one will be Roger Clemens coming home. The end story will be Clemens ending the Red Sox chances of winning a World Series. But the MVP won’t be a pitcher, it will be Carlos Beltran, who will finally get some national recognition.

And there is obviously some bias to these predictions. In the 1980s, the Astros were my favorite National League team. Mike Scott was one of my favorite players, and they were the team I was rooting for in 1986, Now I get to root for them again.

As a baseball fan, all I want to do is see some good baseball. The playoffs usually don’t disappoint, as there’s always a ton of drama.

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