Like Hemingway and Fittzgerald I do my best work with some alcohol in me so let me say I hate the Yankees (and the Twins). I hate the Yankees (and the Twins). This doesn’t just stem from this little Tigers series in the Bronx where the saintly Yankees have been bullied by Ugueth Urbina and Esteban Yan. Every AL Central series has played out similarly to the current series at that dump they flock to in the Bronx…I think it’s called Yankee Stadium.
Nothing the 200 million dollar wonderboys have done this year really sticks out against their much more impoverished AL Central counterparts. Earlier in the year the Yankes eeked out a couple wins from the White Sox bullpen as the two teams split a 4 game series in the Bronx. The Yanks then took 2 of 3 at Comiskey in a less than stellar series in April, hampered by rain. In May the Yanks swept the Royals (who have contacted me to be their fourth starter) in a three game series in the ghetto (aka The Bronx).
Minnesota has not taken on the Yankess, Chicago has proven to be more than competitive against the Yankess, as have the Tigers, so this begs the question…why do the Yankees, their fans and the national media take for granted that the Yankess will again be in the World Series this season?
To say the Yankess have some problems with starting pitching is to say that the Lions had some quarterback problems in the 90’s. Tom Gordon’s arm is already starting to fall off because Joe Torre puts him out there every game, and much-rumored acquisition Jamie Moyer just got lit up by Toronto.
In the Tigers pursuit for the division, do not lose site of the fact that the American League is not a one horse race. We saw it tonight as New York’s #2 starter was hit around by Detroit. September in Detroit this year looks to mean more than Michigan/Notre Dame and the Lions season getting underway, and could we really ask for more after last year??